Public Bakeovens



Cooking with Fire in Public Parks



Summer 2010 Thorncliffe Park Womens Committee (TPWC) made a tandoor with clay in a barrel. The first one broke while being made. The second attempt was a success, and bread and chicken were made.

barrel tandoor

cushion for dough

side view of barrel with air intake

is it ready?

naan bread and chips

coals in the bottom


4/24/2011 Meeting at Amy's. Amy, Sabina, Asya, Zakia, Jutta, Mayssan, Pia, Yo. Tandoor proposal planned.

5/4/2011 meeting at TNO. TPWC, CELOS, Dave Harvey (Park People), Lauren Baker, Seodhna Keown (Food Strategy). Tandoor proposal was presented to the Food Strategy (Tandoor Oven Proposal)

5/9/2011 Food Strategy deputation. (Riverdale oven and deputation)

5/20/2011 Traditional Tawa cooking demonstration (Tawa event correspondence) See the illustrated story.

5/26/2011 Fresh Food Markets Grant submitted (Fresh Food Markets Grant Application).

Thorncliffe Fresh Food Market

5/27/2011 Bazaar restarted for the summer

5/30/2011 Roger Macklin came by to Dufferin to chat

6/6/2011 Meeting with Roger Macklin on possible site (Meeting at the tandoor site with Roger Macklin) It was decided that the city would fully fund the building of the tandoor.

6/30/2011 Mainra traders sends a note that their tandoor stock is low and an order should be made soon. No word from Roger yet.

7/9/2011 3rd cooking fire.

7/16/2011 4th?

7/17/2011 check the portable tandoor in little india

portable tandoor

7/26/2011 portable tandoor purchased. Curing the Portable Tandoor, July 27, 2011?

7/29/2011 “Flavours of Thorncliffe”

8/19, 20, 26/2011 Eid Bazaar

9/2/2011 last word from Roger (the last word from Roger Macklin)

9/15/2011 New oven policy goes to the Parks Committee (1) Deferred. To be reconsidered at the next meeting on 10/11 (on the bake oven policy)

9/24/2011 Portable tandoor event

9/29/2011 Bake oven policy meeting at Dufferin. Diane Stevenson, Amanda, Wendy.

10/11/2011 Parks Committee meeting. Bake oven policy is deferred again until the November 22 meeting.

10/29/2011 Eid Bazaar at R. V. Burgess Park.

11/1/2011 Bake oven briefing at City Hall (organized by Ana Bailao) A video was shown, Jutta spoke and answered questions on oven users' concerns with the policy, and an alternative to the policy was handed out: (A proposed oven policy for the Nov 1 meeting, for comparison)

11/9/2011 Meeting with the Food Strategy members at TNO. Barbara Emanuel, Seodnha Keown, Ayal (Sorauren Park), TPWC, CELOS.

11/11/2011 Lease Agreement for the tandoor oven at R.V.Burgess came out (Tandoor lease agreement) (Lease agreement analysis)

11/17/2011 Meeting with Mary Margaret

Discussion among the various friends of bake ovens followed, with the following results: (bake oven discussion and amendments4) (Dave Harvey on the bake oven policy and tandoor lease agreement)

(prep for Nov 22 Parks Committee meeting)

11/22/2011 Parks Committee meeting. Deputations by Jutta, Videographer showed the video made for Nov.1, and Ayal (couldn't make it). (Jutta's deputation)

Sabina's deputation

Then a long time of back and forth or (mostly) silence.

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Content last modified on October 14, 2019, at 07:35 PM EST